After my design was picked to be part of secret 7 me and my friends travelled to London to see the exhibition. It was a huge success and they ended up raising £45,000 for the charity war child. Not only was it great to go to London, but to be amongst other designers and artists was extremely inspiring and motivating, it also for the first time made me appreciate my own work and give it some credit.

This is another printing technique we were introduced to. We had to cut out any shape and use inks and rollers to print it onto paper. I found this really fun as you could layer up different shapes and colours to get different effects, you don't get a perfect print but I think that adds to the visual look to the shapes.

Here is where I finally learnt to screen print, since I had never done it before It took a while to understand exactly how to do it. But once I had grasped it the results were fantastic. You feel more proud of your work instead of depending on a printer to do it for you. Here below is an example of a two colour screen print I created for a brief in another module, this is one of the first pieces of work I am proud of as I think it went successful. Also in my crit I got very good feedback which I was pleased about.

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