"The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance."

- Alan Watts.

Day Brief

Who am I?

- Values, morals, views
- Print, digital
- Communities

My values

- Believe in moral and ethical working standards
- Love print but want to expand to digital
- Music inspires and influences my designs
- Inspirational people motivate me


- Movies
- Gaming
- Music
- Novels
- Gigs/festivals


- Print will always be important in the ever expanding digital world
- Equality between genders
- Make mistakes; learn from them

What mainly influenced my design was the quote by Alan Watts. Its something I often refer to whenever I feel overwhelmed or lost with different situations. As university was such a huge change, living in a city was a huge change, and trying to adjust to the course and living independently I did struggle with adapting and often felt overwhelmed by everything. This quote reflects my way of thinking from the past two years, I interporate it as when change happens its best to try and adapt as best as possible to the situation, absorb yourself with it and the outcome will be more beneficial to yourself.

 Hungry Sandwich Club

I was invited to visit the Hungry Sandwich Club for a coffee which was fun. Andy and Martin are both ex students from my course at Leeds College of Art so I thought it would be useful to hear how they have progressed since venturing out into the real world. It was inspiring to hear their stories of third year and the steps they took to get where they are now, one of the main points I wanted to bring up was if you need studio experience to even think about freelancing. Their response was to get placements and work experience as its essential to know exactly what you want to do before getting trapped into a studio or somewhere which you may not want to work. As I haven't managed to get work experience anywhere as of yet I'm going to try my hardest to achieve this in third year as this has also been advised from tutors and other professionals.

It was great to see the success of previous students and how they are managing their business, it gave me hope that venturing into the real world after university may not be so daunting after all but rewards only come to hard work and effort to get yourself out there and exposed. Below are some examples of their work:

I contacted a designer from Soho as I thought it would be beneficial to get some advice from someone who is already an established freelancer. One of the questions I had asked him was whether I would need studio experience before considering to freelance. He responded with advice from his own experience that he has never worked in a studio so it not required. However I can gain experience from other sources such as getting clients myself, freelance for an agency and even somewhere that has nothing to do with design.

For extended practice there must be at least two live client briefs, this will give me a good opportunity to try work for clients and get some experience to see whether this is the route I want to take. I do believe for myself I should get some studio experience before I make a final decision.

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